problem of the Facebook confirmation code not reaching

Facebook confirmation code not reaching

Hello my dear brother in an article about solving the problem of the failure of the confirmation code Facebook for the phone,
The lack of a Facebook message on the phone has noticed many people recently,

There are some possibilities for your Facebook confirmation code or verification code not arriving, from which your phone number may be to receive
Messages on Facebook are written incorrectly, this is a possibility but not sure,
Sometimes the code does not come and you send again and again and consumes your chances to open your Facebook account
For 24 hours,

Your account may be suspended several times due to the code request, so what is the solution? ,
You must know that if you transfer the SIM to another company, the code message will not come.
To confirm your login and verify your identity,

If you have not transferred the line to another company of communication companies, contact the customer service of the company responsible for the mobile phone line that you use and make sure that the service to send and receive messages works well,

Send a message to 32665 and write On and your account will be opened immediately on Facebook and we will solve the problem of not reaching the confirmation code for your account

If the code did not reach you

or the other attempt failed, as shown in the lines above, you can notify the Facebook administration of the problem, through the following steps:

Go to this link and then follow the traditional method and when Facebook asks you this time, the login code,
You specify the inaccessibility of the confirmation code.

Facebook will offer you to fill out a form where you write your account data to communicate with them,
They may offer you another way to verify your account without a confirmation code

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