The difference between the integrated graphics card and the separate graphics card

The difference between the integrated graphics card and the separate graphics card

There is a difference between the built-in screen card and the separate screen card a lot, it does not know the difference between them and does not know which is better, we will also talk about the features that belong to both the built-in screen card and the separate screen card, as well as the defects of the built-in screen card and the separate screen card, through the following article :

First, we will explain the separate graphics card, its advantages, and disadvantages

One of the features that are found inside the external card is that it is a separate screen card that does not depend on RAM and the processor, and also works to run games and programs with an amazing speed and excellent, which makes it capable of running the strongest games and programs, as you can upgrade and replace the card at any time you want because it is far from the board The mother is completely separate and thus called the separate screen card, and thus it is separate from the rest of the device and is sold and replaced at any time as it has its own memory and among its features that it does not need a RAM or processor, which is preferred by users because it bears all the powerful games, videos and things that are produced The powers and speeds are thus called a separate screen card.

Second, we will explain the integrated graphics card, its advantages, and disadvantages

Among the disadvantages that exist within the internal card is that it does not have a built-in screen card that it does not have the power of a separate screen card to run games and powerful production in the sense that it does not have the power and speed of a separate card to run those things, as it depends on the RAM and the processor to have the speed that helps it to His own tasks, as if he paused or something went wrong inside him, that stops the motherboard, which is completely the opposite of the separate screen card, and among the disadvantages also when changing the integrated screen card, you have to do the change of the mother card in full, and that also reverses the separate screening card and it is known that the card The built-in screen is from the name that it is within the mother screen card, which is called the name Motherboard, and this type will be suitable for people who are not fluent in the art of games or art of the product and all their dealing is limited to watching videos and audio only, just buy and use this type of screen card, but if You are a fan of games and the production is strong and fast you have to buy and use the separate screen card, it is appropriate for you.

Thus, we may have explained to you a difference and a difference between a separate screen scratch that works outside the mother card, which is games, rapid production, and powers, and also we talked about the integrated screen card, which is inside the mother screen card, which is dedicated to small things, such as watching videos, sounds and things that do not need power and speed.
We wish you the full benefit of this article.


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