Google Chrome blocks ads that drain battery

Google Chrome blocks ads that drain battery

Announced Google that browser Web ( Google Chrome ) will block ads resources huge starting late August, and include examples of ads that mineralization coded currency and ads, which were programmed badly, advertising is optimized for the use of network capacity, this browser is prohibited Ads; It drains battery life and costs money.

Google Chrome users will not have to download annoying ads, which place an unnecessary heavy burden on the CPU, drain the battery for a longer period, and consume a disproportionate amount of battery life, processing power, and bandwidth, without the users’ knowledge.

Google Chrome blocks ads that drain battery 2

There are three possible thresholds for an ad to block:

  1. 4MB of network data.
  2. 15 seconds of continuous use of the processor within a period of 30 seconds.
  3. 60 seconds of total processor use.

According to Google, 0.3 percent of ads exceed these limits, but at the same time they represent 27 percent of the network data that ads use, and 28 percent of all processor uses for advertising.

“We recently discovered that a small portion of ads consume a disproportionate share of device resources, such as battery and network data, without the user knowing it,” the research giant said.

“Google Chrome limits the resources that an ad can use before the user interacts with it, and when the ad reaches one of the thresholds, the ad frame moves to an error page that says the ad has been removed, and clicking on the details will alert the user that the ad has used a lot of resources ”

It is noteworthy that the most used browser in the world contains an embedded tool to block ads, after Google two years ago joined an alliance for better ads, a group that sets standards for how to improve the advertising industry for consumers.

The browser prohibits all ads, including ads owned or displayed by Google, on websites displaying incompatible ads, as defined by the coalition, and in addition to ads, Google has also used a blocker of ads in the browser to address abusive experiences.

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